Recreational Marijuana Could Come To Idaho Next Year
Legalized marijuana could be coming to Idaho and much sooner than even some backers would guess. This morning, Twin Falls County Republican Party Chairman Steve Millington shared the story. A petition drive is underway. It could get recreational marijuana on the ballot as early as this November!
the result could be a turnout primarily by one issue voters. The recreational marijuana devotees.
After the success last fall of Proposition 2 (Medicaid expansion), the left and libertarians discovered the initiative process is a way to get around legislative opposition.
Consider voter turnout this fall is expected to be low. It’s an off year election. With many traditional voters not taking an interest this November, the result could be a turnout primarily by one issue voters. The recreational marijuana devotees.
We’re in uncharted territory. This past weekend I watched a documentary about Humboldt County, California. Legal growers pay hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly for licensing. Corporate farms are now pushing out the legal boutique growers.
Many smaller growers who’ve for decades defied the law aren’t licensed and now drug cartels are also moving into the county. The illegal growers dump pesticides directly into rivers and sell product to buyers often still coated in chemicals.
Imagine, by 2020, all these pleasures could belong to Idaho!