Scenic Ride Passes A Miners Cemetery 150 Miles From Twin Falls ID
For Idaho fans of off-road adventures, there's a trail accessible to hikers and ATV owners that takes you deep into the Boise National Forest and offers great views, a glimpse into abandoned prospecting sites, and even a nineteenth-century miners cemetery.
Idaho City is located 150 miles northwest of Twin Falls and is a small community of roughly 500 people. The region is rich in mining history. Throughout an average year, the trails are busy with guided visits, group trail riders, hikers, and mountain bikers.
One of the reasons so many people take to these trails is for the opportunity to stop and pay respect to the grave of the unknown miner. A small memorial near the burial site reads "Miners Grave: Body of Unknown Found Here - Buried - 1888." Large rocks also line the site so visitors know where not to walk.
Dredge mining took place in the area from 1898 to 1952, according to information found at westernmininghistory.com. This portion of the Boise National Forest contains many traces of past mining efforts.
The Idaho Off-Road 4x4 Club is leading a ride on these trails on April 30, 2022. The 8th Annual Rocket Run Memorial ride is an open invitation to ATV riders, trucks, and jeeps, and is an all-day event. Those interested can register until March 25.
Please be respectful when traveling these trails and visiting the miner's cemetery. It's a source of pride for the nearby community and should be left in the state it's found. For more information on Idaho's mining history, click here.
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