Stage One Fire Restrictions to Go Into Effect for Southern Idaho
TWIN FALLS, Idaho (KLIX) Fire restrictions have been ordered for eleven counties in south central Idaho due to the fire danger. According to the Bureau of Land Management, the restrictions will go into effect Friday, August 3, for Blaine, Camas, Cassia, Custer, Elmore, Gooding, Jerome, Lincoln, Minidoka, Owyhee, and Twin Falls counties. The order will cover all federal, state and private forest and rangelands, roads and trials within the listed counties. The restrictions are aimed at decreasing the chance of any preventable fires within the areas mentioned.
Under Stage 1 restrictions the following activities are not allowed:
· Building, maintaining, attending, or using a fire, campfire or stove fire except within a designated recreation site and in a permanent concrete or metal fire ring, or on private land, and only within an owner-provided structure.
· Smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle, building, or designated recreation site, or while stopped in an area at least three feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable materials.
The following are exemptions to the Stage 1 Fire Restrictions:
· Persons with a written permit that specifically authorizes the otherwise prohibited act.
· Persons using fire fueled solely by liquid petroleum or liquid petroleum gas (LPG) fuels. Such devices, including propane campfires, may be used only in an area cleared of flammable material.
· Persons conducting activities in those designated areas where the activity is specifically authorized by written posted notice.
· Any federal, state or local officer or member of an organized rescue or firefighting force in the performance of an official duty.
· All land within a city boundary is exempted.
· Other exemptions unique to each agency.
The restrictions have been separated into zones as follows according to BLM:
Zone 1 – Sawtooth North
All Sawtooth National Forest, Twin Falls District BLM, and Idaho State lands north of Highway 20 to the northern most Sawtooth National Forest boundary. From Hill City east to the Craters of the Moon National Monument and Reserve Visitor Center.
Zone 2 -- Shoshone
All Twin Falls District BLM and Idaho State lands north of I-84 to Highway 20. From King Hill east to Massacre Rocks State Park.
Zone 3 -- Three Creek
All Twin Falls District BLM and Idaho State lands from I-84 south to Idaho/Nevada border. West of Highway 93 to the Bruneau Canyon
Zone 4 – Cassia
All Twin Falls District BLM and Idaho State lands from I-84/I-86 south to Idaho/Utah/Nevada border. East of Highway 93 to the Cassia County/Oneida County line. All lands administered by the Minidoka Ranger District, Sawtooth National Forest.
**National Park Service managed units including Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve, Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument, and Minidoka National Historic Site are also under Stage 1 Fire restrictions
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