School debt follows many of us for years, or the rest of our life. When it comes to school debt, which states have the most student debt, and which have the lowest?
We all need to escape daily routines from time to time and let the stress go away, but where is the best place to be to relax? Is living in Idaho too stressful?
An Idaho company that sells posters to raise money for schools has admitted to defrauding a South Dakota tribe and at least two organizations tied to Alaska Natives.
In keeping with recent electoral history, Idaho still has deep libertarian roots including not only the lower case, but as well upper case. Libertarian Party candidate for President Gary Johnson has more support in Idaho according to one poll than in all other states but five. South Dakota and Alaska are in a third place tie with Idaho. In both states, nearly one in 5 voters favor Johnson.
I first heard the phrase “Cult of Personality” in a history class in high school. We were studying Chairman Mao and his ever present image dominating China. It’s fair to say President Obama was elected after his campaign staff developed a larger-than-life image of the man...