Refugees and Islamic terrorists are once again at the top of the news this week. Many of the fears across the country are magnifications of life in Twin Falls, Idaho.
Many modern Americans believe we need to appease any and all malcontents. Yes, Colin Kaepernick has the right to be a petulant and angry young man who hates his country. It doesn’t mean we need praise immature athletes who need to work out their rage.
Donald Trump’s acceptance speech dominated our show today. Reaction from our Top Story audience was quite strong. I’ve taken each half-hour block and created 4 sequential videos for those who missed the program. Do you want to know what your neighbors are thinking...
I waited until the very end expecting Ted Cruz would endorse. What I witnessed was surreal. This morning, I saw the word surreal used by several writers describing the event. A fiery speech and he hit all the applause lines until the end...
Liberals and media remain in denial. The fellow traveling left won’t acknowledge the threat posed domestically by Islam. Now the totalitarians on are even suggesting we do away with elections and give President Obama the powers to seize privately owned firearms...
Would you do business with a bigot? Let’s say you own the local dry goods company and one of your best customers doesn’t like minorities. He has never assaulted a minority, dangled one from a tree or burned a cross, however. Everyone in town knows he’s a white supremacist, yet he spends a couple of hundred dollars a week at your counter...
We were warned. The Donald isn't a true conservative. Now that he appears the likely Republican Party nominee for President, the pivot isn't in any lack of name calling. The pivot is to throw social conservatives under the bus. Suddenly, he favors a path to citizenship for illegal aliens and cross-dressers in women's bathrooms...
The colorful Chairman of the Twin Falls County Republican Party is making some predictions. Steve Millington is looking beyond the New York State Presidential Primary and forecasting conventions. He also spent some time with us Tuesday morning talking about the weak opposition in Idaho’s U...
Donald Trump’s loss in Wisconsin is being celebrated by many fellow conservatives as his political obituary. Hardly! I opened today’s show and shared some of the thoughts of the chattering class and my own long range view. With 200-thousand Democrats switching to Republican to vote in Pennsylvania Trump is assured of multiple victories and huge delegate hauls...
I watched the staccato Corey Lewandowski video. I can’t make much out of it but to say he does grab the woman and move her aside. Having spent 17 years as a field reporter I’m telling you this is nothing unusual. I’ve been pushed, grabbed and had my life threatened...
Look, Donald Trump isn’t my first choice among Republicans, however. A-B-C! Anybody but Clinton. I’m highly disappointed in Trump’s disparaging of Ted Cruz. One of these men (and I realize likely Trump) must take on the Queen in the General Election...