Trump’s Golden Shower? (Opinion)
Trump hating news media (and we’re talking most media) just did the Donald a favor.
Fellow travelers in media are so invested in discrediting Trump they bought the fiction.
Talk about stepping into the dog mess. This breathless coverage of Trump cavorting with Russian prostitutes is backfiring and strengthens the President-Elect. As the news cycle spins, it becomes ever more apparent the tales of golden showers are fake news. Look fake news up in the dictionary and you’ll see an illustration (and it should be quite an picture if it involves Russians peeing).
How did we get here? Fellow travelers in media are so invested in discrediting Trump they bought the fiction. Hook, line and sinker. For the next four to eight years, the new President will point to this day whenever pressed by the press. In the event of real news, much of media will find itself slinking away like a whipped dog. Need someone to blame? Go look in a mirror evil, lying media.
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