The Loss of Rolling Thunder Would Be A Tragedy
Rolling Thunder is an American institution possibly being silenced. The event, honoring the nation’s war dead, may be a victim of its own success. The size of the rally in Washington, D.C. is so great there are concerns it can no longer keep up with security costs.
They view what they do as paying homage.
President Trump vows to do whatever he can to keep the event rolling for many more years to come.
One of the great thrills of my life was to attend the gathering six years ago. One moment very much remains in my memory. We had walked Arlington National Cemetery and then crossed the Memorial Bridge. Rounding a corner of the Lincoln Memorial we happened upon participants gathering for a group photograph on the steps. Or some of the bikers, because you couldn’t squeeze all of them into a picture.
We visited with many of the people who had roared across the country to attend. They shared some stories of storms and close calls on the roads they had traveled. None of which was a deterrence. They view what they do as paying homage.
This is a uniquely American moment. If it ends the loss will be immeasurable.
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