To Save Kids Idaho Needs to Crackdown on Faith Healing
The ancestors of North Africa’s Berbers were said to have burned babies as a religious offering. Roman historians tell of a large brass bull being used as a representation of the North African god.
I support their prayers but God gave us the brains to develop medicine.
A fire would be started beneath the bull. Babies would then be tossed down the beast’s throat. Their screams would be released as the sound of the bull snorting. The god was then appeased.
Today if someone approached you and told you roasting babies was legal because of our First Amendment you would recoil in horror.
I’m pro-life. I defend the unborn and also the born. A particular religious sect in Idaho refuses medical attention for children. I support their prayers but God gave us the brains to develop medicine. You can click this link and read about efforts to protect these children. State Legislators have been hesitant to pass laws protecting the kids because some in government are nervous. They fear being accused of taking a stand against religious liberty. They need to be reminded of what it means to be pro-life.
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