Video: Rancher Schools Mike Bloomberg on Farming
My farming experience is confined to occasionally helping a neighbor with feeding and milking cows. And it was 35 years ago the last time I pitched in and I haven’t set foot on a farm in 20 years. My parents both were born on the farm and some cousins are still working the land. My hometown was a hub for cheese and ice cream production. As soon as you left downtown you were surrounded on all sides by grazing cattle and dairies.
Mike Bloomberg made a lot of money developing a set of screens stock traders could monitor. Then he went beyond and launched a successful business publication. He reminds me of Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder. Snyder made a fortune in some tech related industry. Now he believes he knows how to run a football team.
Being successful and becoming wealthy could mean you’re smart. It doesn’t always mean you’re a genius.
Look, I know broadcasting quite well. Accounting, computer programming and practicing law, not so much! Being successful and becoming wealthy could mean you’re smart. It doesn’t always mean you’re a genius.
When an old story surfaced where Bloomberg was mocking farming for not demanding a lot of “gray matter”, it should have caused the man some embarrassment. Instead the pompous blowhard doesn’t seem cowed (pun intended). I’ve said on-air, he watched Ma and Pa Kettle when he was a 7-year-old and it’s all he knows on the subject of agriculture.
He needs to see the following YouTube video. A Wyoming rancher very politely offers the billionaire a tutorial.
Click on the video below and you’ll also be emotionally touched: