Where In Idaho Is Bill Colley?
Idaho is a massive state. Among the biggest by land mass in the nation. It’s quite a chore to see all of the places. I’ve been working on it and now with summer here I’ll get out more often. Periodically I’ll post photos from summers past and present and ask if you can identify the location. Can you identify where these pictures were taken? Many of my fondest memories have been wiped clean by strip malls, fires and neglect.
For an outsider, I suppose most mountains, rivers and canyons look the same. For many of you, I know the details will stand out and you know the views because you’ve made these drives throughout your lives.
I’m clearly not a professional photographer and modern technology has cleaned up some of my bad habits with a camera. My first love is radio broadcasting but if there wasn’t a need for a paycheck, increasingly I believe I might take up photography full time. We need to document this beautiful piece of land. More and more is being lost to development. I’m not opposed to development if it grows an economy but already many of my fondest memories have been wiped clean by strip malls, fires and neglect.