Why Not Instead Bring South African Refugees to Twin Falls?
There are fears of genocide in South Africa.
with Nelson Mandela long in the grave it appears reconciliation is fading
White farmers are being dispossessed of land. There are fears the wrath of indigenous blacks could become bloodlust. Oppressed for centuries the majority black population finally threw off the yoke of apartheid just under 30 years ago. There has been a tentative peace between the races.
Now with Nelson Mandela long in the grave it appears reconciliation is fading. If I could borrow an argument from liberals about the so-called “dreamers”, whites in South Africa live there through no fault of their own. They’re descended from colonialists who arrived long, long ago (the book the Washing of the Spears is a good history).
If we bring anyone to the United States as refugees why not white South Africans? They share a common European Christian heritage. Judging by agricultural and business output they’re an industrious people.
With a shared culture they may better assimilate in the United States. Witness this link about the danger of mixing cultures. There is a petition urging the U.S. government to provide sanctuary to South African whites.