30×30 Would Impoverish Idaho and Neighboring States
I like this quote, “we cannot be the conservation colony of the nation”. It’s from Mark Gordon, Governor of neighboring Wyoming. He’s responding to President Joe Biden’s 30x30 report. This follows a January 27th executive order from the President. One mostly lost in the flurry of orders issued in the earliest days of the Biden Administration. I came across Gordon’s comments at this link. He’s being diplomatic but I can tell he isn’t looking to see another chunk of his state swallowed by the federal behemoth. His economy is dependent on mainly one product. It’s called coal. Wyoming is struggling to diversify.
Bears, wolves and sage grouse don’t vote. People do and we’re told the people we elect work for us. Nothing against furry and feathered creatures, but first, I’m a human being.
In Idaho, the economy is a bit more resilient and, yet. I believe we need to be more than cautious. Twin Falls County Republican Party Chairman Steve Millington used the word “nullification”. He was responding to a comment I made about our state government learning to say, “No!” Two thirds of the land in Idaho is already under federal control. In Joe Biden’s home state of Delaware, the federal government has jurisdiction around his two homes. The place also rests along a bay and is crisscrossed with rivers and streams. The only thing the federal government interferes with in Delaware is traffic. The Biden entourage shuts down already tourist clogged highways.
This notion of setting aside an additional 30 percent of the nation’s land and 30 percent of the water is a fool’s errand and will only further damage the economies of the Mountain West. Instead, we need to tell the feds to get the heck out and for good!
We’re in a drought. Our population growth is off the charts. And the Clown College graduate in the White House wants us to surrender even more water? Bears, wolves and sage grouse don’t vote. People do and we’re told the people we elect work for us. Nothing against furry and feathered creatures, but first, I’m a human being. I favor my own kind. Right now we’re not being served by this United Nations gobbledygook and the U.N. minions plotting against us in Washington, D.C. Tell them to keep their fiat currency. We’ll take possession of all lands in the state and make up the difference with business growth. You start cutting in the Sawtooth Range, you’ll see lumber costs tumble. It’s called a benefit and it doesn’t come in the form of a government check.
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