If you ask a farmer, a rancher, a factory worker or someone who has been here long enough, when you ask "What's that smell?" the response you will get "smells like money". So here are the things that are making Twin Falls and surrounding areas "smell like money".


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    Sugar Beet Factory

    No idea why, but the sugar beet factory has a smell to it. It is a very distinct smell too. But it also smells like money.

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    The blood ponds

    They smell. They just do. If you really think about it, it makes sense that it smells.

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    The dairy

    A dairy is always a little smelly. Cows in general aren't exactly the best smelling animal. Yes, it may smell, but it smells like a lot of money for the farmers.

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    The potato factory

    Sometimes when I wake up in the morning I swear I smell frying potatoes, but not completely pleasant. Like potatoes that are frying but at your grandmas house that smelled a little funky.

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    The other factories

    Twin Falls has a lot of factories. The cooking, cleaning, manufacturing is going to have some kind of smell to it. It is keeping people employed.

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    The Rain

    I love the smell of rain in Twin Falls. The air smells great most of the time. Unless you get a rain on one of the days the other smells are a little rougher than normal.

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    I don't really know why but some of the canals around town have a funky smell to it. I know it isn't so offensive that it should cause concern. It just happens sometimes.

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