I think the federal government owns far too much land in the far northwest of the United States.  It doesn’t mean I’m opposed to roads being plowed, paying for national defense and I might even expect a Social Security check when I’m 65-years-old.  Let me also say if I’m expanding a business and the federal government has thousands of offices and programs lending money I just might apply.  After all, I’m not seeking a grant, I plan to repay the government with interest.  It’s probably why I find it odd news media is obsessing over a government business loan Ammon Bundy took out for his trucking company.  As if it somehow makes him a hypocrite when he protests a heavy-handed government effort to purge productive ranchers from their land.  Am I the only one here who gets there isn’t any relationship between the loan and events in Oregon?  It’s like being a 16-year-old and borrowing gas money from Dad.  Then when you come home and find him beating Mom should you remain silent?

Lefty and his fellow travelers in news media are pulling out all the stops on this one in an effort to portray the men and women at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge as knuckle dragging, violent inbreeds hell-bent on sadism, hate for their new neighbors and with a goal of overthrowing the United States.  Geeze, then why do they fly American flags?

Screen Capture, KOIN-TV
Screen Capture, KOIN-TV

During a Tuesday news conference Ammon Bundy and LaVoy Finicum, both know a little about hard-work and love of the land, briefed media about the ongoing occupation of the refuge.

Getty Images.
Getty Images.

Do you think media asked many questions about property rights and the role of a distant government?  Do you think the assembled reporters asked about the government’s evidence of the recently jailed Dwight and Steve Hammond?  Do you think the news peddlers questioned the resolve of the rag-tag patriots willing to lay down their lives for a cause?  Of course not!

Most questions were along the lines of, “Did you know we call you terrorists and just exactly when do you plan to stop terrorizing?”  Finicum must be the most pleasant man on the planet.  He just smiled and replied by asking who has been terrorized.  He and his allies are in the middle of the frozen high desert and the closest house may be more than 25 miles away.  Next question:  “Did you know the Sheriff doesn’t like you?”  Or, “We talked with an old school marm and she called you a militia?”  Finicum pointed out he has never belonged to a militia, doesn’t belong to a militia today and has no plans to join a militia, whatever is a militia?.  One Oregon newspaper calls the frozen men and women huddled in the desert “militants”.  Do you believe the assembled members of the press came with pre-conceived notions?  One British sounding fellow was chewing out a conservative talk-show-host at the scene for bias.  The host replied he made no secret of his views.  What can the Brit say about his own prejudices?

Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson alleged today the government is secretly applauding the encampment in the sagebrush.  He claims if blacks or Muslims were occupying a few remote buildings federal agents would’ve already fired the tear gas.  You can see a link here.  Robinson is a Pulitzer Prize winner according to his biography.  I guess they give out prizes based on affirmative action.  This is what I posted in the comments section beneath his column at the Washington Post:

“Dear Eugene:

Stephanie Rawlings-Blake was patient in Baltimore, still. Nobody in Oregon has looted the CVS, assaulted cops and firefighters, thrown rocks, or burned down a city. Unlike the media darlings from Occupy Movement no one in Oregon has smashed windows, raped anyone in a park or defecated on a police car. Are you trying to offer a backhanded comment and suggesting pale people are polite and well-behaved?”


My comments were up for about ten minutes and then suddenly scrubbed by the Post’s online enforcers.

We do have a serious divide in this country.  Robinson was on TV a few years ago encouraging President Obama to rule by fiat (as if any prodding was needed!)  Then you’ve got a segment of the country and it believes it can get by in most matters without government.  Somehow this enrages Lefty and Obama’s media appendages.  I’ve never seen such an overt approach to destroying a culture that for a century was the envy of the world and built the greatest economic engine ever known and lifted more people out of poverty than in any other epoch.  Now these bastards on the left are salivating and demanding the blood of decent, hardworking Americans be splattered across the sagebrush.  No wonder Mr. Obama, while shedding his phony tears, is coming for your firearms and, yet.  It isn’t fair to blame him for all of America’s ills.  Your Republican candidates for President are AWOL on the crisis in Oregon.  You know, LaVoy Finicum and Ammon Bundy may once have looked cross-eyed at Latinos roaming their ranchlands on the way to sanctuary cities.  For all the GOP’s tough talk this year about ending political correctness we’ve got a pathetic field of bought-and-paid-for empty suits.  But for Trump I suppose.  He’d back the ranchers because he looks at sagebrush and sees bright lights and hears the rattle of slot machines.  Cry the beloved country!

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