Brad Little Now is the Most Powerful Governor in America
Brad Little never expected to wield such incredible power. Imagine being king for a day. Or 6 months. What would we do in trying to set the world straight? Little has such an opportunity, enjoyed by no other executive in America.
Imagine being king for a day. Or 6 months.
It’s taken a few weeks for the news to wind its way across the land. When the Idaho Legislature failed to regulate the regulators, the Governor was given the sole discretion over what portions of the regulatory state remain and what gets scrapped.
The story has reached the pages of the Wall Street Journal, where Little is being urged to peel away the layers and allow a laboratory experiment. With fewer regulations will the economy be unleashed and roar?
While Legislators are expected to resume control over the process next year there is time to see how government can operate without many of its pre-Depression era constraints.
The Mercatus Center, a think tank in Virginia, is offering some speculation as to outcomes. You can read the link by clicking here. The writer praises “sunset provisions”. The provisions allow bad laws to vanish without need of time consuming repeal efforts.