Climate Changes & There’s Nothing You Can Do About It
Of course climate change is real. “The only constant is change,” a financial planner once explained.
They don’t require a massive price tag and the starving or sterilization of billions of human beings.
Climate, like everything else, is always changing. Since the end of the last ice age the planet has been steadily warming. One theorist suggests we never entered another ice age because man terraformed the planet. Agriculture prevented a big freeze.
Which would be worse, some warmer temperatures or attempting survival on a giant snow globe?
Government sternly warns of catastrophe but there are many measures far cheaper than what the granola gobbling left demands. I’d like you to click on this website. The writer offers many solutions. They don’t require a massive price tag and the starving or sterilization of billions of human beings.
Meanwhile, there is more evidence of a cooling trend (I wrote about this two weeks ago) being ignored by the hyperventilating news media. Check out this link from last spring.
Twenty years ago a writer at the Atlantic warned about something called the North Atlantic Conveyor shutting down. Well, guess what? This link suggests it could happen. If it does, get out the long underwear and get ready for a long and cold night.
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