Gianforte Triumphs: Liberals Reach for Ben Gay
Apparently many Montana voters approve of liberals being body slammed and pummeled.
Montana voters didn’t pass judgment on initial allegations.
Greg Gianforte is ahead by 5 percentage points in the special election for U.S. House of Representatives. Before he cracked the coconut of a Democrat Party propagandist we were told he would only win by a single digit margin. Apparently the dust-up had little impact on the overall scope of victory. Democrats have lost several of these special contests and must be wondering how they can get a win. I suppose they could respond in kind and start attacking conservative speakers on college campuses. Oh, right, they’re already using the strategy to no avail.
I don’t trust every conservative source making claims the Guardian reporter hit the candidate in the mouth with a cell phone, which caused Gianforte to escalate. It meets the confirmation bias of many of my friends but we really need more time to sort through facts. Montana voters didn’t pass judgment on initial allegations.
By the way, I voted early last year just to see how the process worked. I don’t endorse the practice. Now liberals and I agree about something.