Idahoans Buy a Lot of Guns but Are Losing the Battle for Ownership
Idahoans like to be number one. But they’re number four nationally when it comes to the highest percentage of gun ownership. How do you get the number one ranking? Buy more guns.
Liberals would argue that more guns in public hands means more gun deaths. If we’re simply talking about homicides, Idaho is among the safest places in America.
Lefty likes to say if we take guns away that we’ll reduce suicides. Let me say there are no stupid claims, just those who make claims. I live a mile from one of the highest bridges in the country. People travel here to leap from its ledge. Would Democrats tear down bridges with the same abandon?
One of my coworkers wrote a story about a guy who got shot after pulling a knife, violating an old aphorism from Barack Obama: Don’t bring a knife to a gunfight!
Those encounters are rare in Idaho, as is gun-on-gun violence. A retired state trooper once told me you assume everyone in Idaho is armed. It can encourage politeness among neighbors.
There doesn’t seem to be anything in the data that would support the notion that firearms increase violence. Some blue states are nasty places. The same with some red states. You’ll also find red and blue states among the safest. It may have more to do with regional culture. Idaho was settled by a variety of people who shared an overwhelming belief. That a higher power is watching us. To be blunt, people believe there are penalties for being naughty. In this world and beyond. Godless libs don’t understand.

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