Idaho’s Lava Ridge Wind Project May Already be a Done Deal
Big crowds are big news. Jerome County Commissioners estimate there were more than 350 people gathered for a meeting on the future of a massive wind-to-energy project. The Lava Ridge Wind Project would scatter turbines that are 740 feet tall across three counties in the valley. Jerome, Lincoln, and Minidoka.
The crowd heard presentations from opponents and a review of the environmental impact statement from the Bureau of Land Management. I’m told nobody in the crowd spoke in favor of the project, however. There are indications it may already be a done deal. Representatives of the BLM explained emotional arguments will have no weight when it comes to a decision. In other words, challenges would need to come on technical issues. If government bureaucrats believe those have all been answered, then we’re finished.
Local county commissioners and state legislators appear almost a solid bloc in opposition. What I can’t fathom is where is the Governor offering either full-throated support or a statement akin to over my dead body. Is our congressional delegation straddling the fence? All four members of that delegation claim to be conservative Republicans. The two in the House of Representatives have some say in funding the BLM. Let’s stop the kabuki and get a loud united front.
I want you to look at three links. Click here, here, and here.
If we fail to stop Lava Ridge, then we’ll see Salmon Falls and the Taurus project fall like dominoes. We live in a state that will become the leading producer of modular nuclear reactors. Why, oh why are we even considering giant pinwheels?