Kimberly, ID Schools Move Forward on Transgender Policy
The policy is similar to what is currently enshrined in neighboring Twin Falls. The first reading is scheduled for Thursday, July 21, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. at the Round Building. Some previous meetings on the subject have attracted hundreds of parents and concerned members of the community. I’ll acknowledge that there are likely people on both sides of the issue, however. This is southern Idaho and it’s a safe bet to say most people are opposed.
Why is this happening here? Obviously, not because the majority is clamoring for change. Teachers tell me it’s driven by lawyers. They warn districts of potential lawsuits if transgender students believe they face discrimination. School administrators and board members don’t like lawsuits. At least on that count, I see their point.
A decade ago, this was never a topic. We’ve seen a huge increase in the number of students identifying as something other than what’s printed on birth certificates. Blame screens. More specifically, the Internet.
The comedian Garrison Keillor said that before the advent of radio 100 years ago, people were mostly content with what they had in life. Then some guy with a smooth baritone started telling them about products that would enhance their lives and make them better. The Internet is a much more recent technology but you can see a similarity. A kid gets online and commiserates about disappointments and suddenly finds a community willing to offer a previously unknown solution.
Scientists say there have always been people with gender dysphoria. The numbers as a percentage of the population were steady. Then came some new technology and ballooning identity issues. It appears a majority of parents have been defeated by the web and fearful bureaucrats.

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