Liberals Are Careening Toward a Kent State Moment (Opinion)
The “Resistance” is going to end badly. After seeing some recent stories about liberal’s latest attempts to nullify the 2016 Election I’m not sure the momentum can be halted without violence. Last week I heard Rush Limbaugh allude to this during one of his morning updates.
The shooting last year at a Republican baseball practice opened the door to an expression of left-wing rage we probably haven’t seen since the bombings of the Weather Underground 45 years ago.
Already it has happened. The shooting last year at a Republican baseball practice opened the door to an expression of left-wing rage we probably haven’t seen since the bombings of the Weather Underground 45 years ago. What Limbaugh is suggesting is an attack on the President or a member of the man’s family or inner circle is likely. And it’s because the liberal talking heads are condoning violence. Just this Sunday morning in a matter of minutes I saw a pundit blame the President for the amplification. This was followed by a soundbite from liberal U.S. Representative Maxine Waters alleging Mr. Trump brought it about by his own rhetoric.
Half-a-dozen years ago I used to take on-air calls from liberals telling me, “We aren’t that kind of people,” when it came to violent outbursts. I always found it interesting there were self-appointed spokesmen and women who said “we” as if there were a liberal compact signed by every last man and woman on the left.
Even some liberals are acknowledging their movement has lost control. Andrew Sullivan is writing it’s time to stand down and channel energy into voting. I’m not at all sure anyone in his gang is anymore listening.
Here’s the thing, though. If the next move are physical attacks on Kirstjen Nielsen, Don, Jr. and the White House Press Secretary, I think it likely security is going to fire back. In force. The Kent State moment of which I refer in the title. Liberals will wail this is an endorsement when it’s nothing more than a prediction. I’ll also predict it ends the “Resistance”.
While the bombings by small groups of radicals continued after May 1970 the violence also became much less common. Any mass movement collapsed after four were killed at the Ohio campus. It was the left’s Waterloo. Liberals trying to rewrite history claim the “country” was shocked by the actions of the National Guard. Really? One poll in the aftermath of Kent State revealed 89 percent of Americans approved! Nine in 10 thought it was time someone restored national order. Six in 10 faulted entirely the students.
Radicalism isn’t a saleable philosophy in this nation. Trump, by the way, has been compared to the late Philadelphia Mayor Frank Rizzo. A man who spoke the language of a broad swath of working Americans. Labelling these men and the people who support them as Nazis isn’t a winning strategy. It just confirms the left is filled with jerks. If things spiral out-of-control for the “Resistance” don’t expect any sympathy from average working men and women. They’re too busy trying to pay rent, mortgages and buy groceries. Most believe the angry left should also get back to work and help pay all the spiraling expenses for the causes backed by the left.
When the President says the United States can’t become a migrant camp he’s right. Asking who’ll pay the freight isn’t being mean. What does worry me is the tab coming due is going to be paid in blood.