National Media Canonizes Candidate for Idaho Governor
National media loves St. Paulette. Paulette Jordan is the Democrat running for Governor in Idaho.
when asked how she would fund her grandiose plans was to suggest legalized marijuana was the solution
Keep in mind national media doesn’t vote in Idaho elections. CNN has a story about the candidate and the first paragraph sounds like a medieval writer reflecting on God. I would think even Jordan would be embarrassed by the fawning coverage.
She’s quoted in the story offering bromides about her campaign. Does she offer any real substance? Well, she has been avoiding in-state media coverage since a disastrous interview with a newspaper editorial board several weeks ago. The liberal editors couldn’t even toss her a lifeline because all she could say when asked how she would fund her grandiose plans was to suggest legalized marijuana was the solution.
I’m not the only one who has noticed she’s only speaking with national media. One columnist suggests she’s really just angling for a gig on cable TV.
Relax, Brad, see you Inauguration Day!
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