Student Arrested for Threat at Buhl Schools
BUHL, Idaho (KLIX)-Authorities have arrested a juvenile for making threats towards Buhl schools on Tuesday using social media. According to the Twin Falls County Sheriff's Office, the male Buhl High School student, who will not be identified because they are a juvenile, was taken into custody and charged with threatening violence on school grounds. The sheriff's office said in a statement the student had created a Snapchat account using another student's name and sent several threatening messages towards the schools. The message was first seen just before noon by another high school student and reported to a teacher. Administration placed the schools on lockdown and notified law enforcement. The schools were searched and cleared for student safety. Multiple agencies responded including Buhl Police, Filer Police, Idaho State Police, Twin Falls Police, the FBI, Idaho Fish and Game, along with Buhl Fire Department and Magic Valley Paramedics.

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