Survey Shows Idahoans Prefer Cartoon Pornography
Idahoans like their pornography animated. Or those Idaho residents who view porn. PornHub has released its latest data on viewing habits around the world and the United States. In Idaho, the most searched topic is Hentai. It’s based on Japanese anime. People in the Gem State are watching cartoons to get turned on. If there’s any positive, at least no live human beings or animals are harmed by watching spiky-haired cartoons perform sex acts. Is this another sign of the end times? $7 percent of American Christians believe we’re in the end times.
Can you blame them? There are people pleasuring themselves while watching cartoons. Bugs Bunny would be appalled.
The naughty website also reports a massive increase in people around the world viewing transgender porn. West Virginia is in that category.
Nevadans also like cartoon porn. Mainers and Oklahomans like anime. In Oregon, it’s furry porn, which I assume involves people dressed as animals. Colorado is Goth. Wisconsin is something called Pegging.
Is this how great civilizations fall?
The liberals who complain about conservative and Christian scolds can’t possibly offer a rational counter-argument.
Question for all of you. Did the Internet create many of these ridiculous and ever-growing absurd categories? When I was a boy growing up, there was a movie theater showing porn films in a city 15 miles away. Nobody wanted to be seen near the place. Today, you can look at your phone or laptop in the privacy of your home, though. Being the ‘net, someone else is probably watching with you and you’re leaving behind an electronic fingerprint.

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