
Should Energy Drinks Be Banned From Teens?
Should Energy Drinks Be Banned From Teens?
Should Energy Drinks Be Banned From Teens?
Energy drinks are everywhere, especially at High Schools. I know several high school students that drink 2 or 3 energy drinks EVERY day. I'm defiantly not against caffeine. I'm almost positive I wouldn't survive without my morning coffee and my afternoon soda. I've tried energy drinks as a substitute for coffee and my stomach hurt, I started sweating and when the caffeine rush was gone I was extre
Power Regulators Sign Off on Energy Savings Plan
Power Regulators Sign Off on Energy Savings Plan
Power Regulators Sign Off on Energy Savings Plan
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — The state agency that regulates utilities has approved $42 million in expenses incurred by Idaho Power Co. to reduce demand and encourage smart energy use. The Public Utilities Commission signed off the company's plan Tuesday, saying the vast majority of those costs were prudent...

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