Idaho Looks To Be Stuck With Wind Power
There’s an episode of the Simpsons where the kids by something akin to accident release an invasive species. Shortly the city is overrun by tiny creatures as the animals multiply. When it’s discovered large snakes are natural predators the local government introduces the serpents. When the snakes become a hazard the show ends with a scene at City Hall. The Mayor is flanked by a gorilla at a lectern on the steps.
The gorilla grabs one and beats it repeatedly by swinging it against the side of the building.
Mayor Quimby explains the apes hate the snakes. The gorilla grabs one and beats it repeatedly by swinging it against the side of the building.
I’m reminded this is too often the way government solves problems of its own creation. Rather than get out of the way trouble is compounded.
This is especially true with alternative energy. A writer at National Review describes how subsidies for renewables (wind and solar come immediately to mind) cost more than we get in return. Then more subsidies are created to justify the initial public cost. Is your cost of living easier? Is power now cheaper? Is the landscape better looking?
When will state government stop feeding this dead horse? I guess when the alternative energy campaign contributions end. If ever. You can read the National Review piece by clicking here.
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