Twin Falls County Turns Out to Oppose Wind Farm
The crowd filled rows of seats and even those along the walls. Twin Falls County Commissioner Jack Johnson posted the picture above. How’s this for a turnout during the dinner hour on Tuesday night? The commissioners joined the audience and listened to a series of presentations from members of the public. People who’ve done some extensive research on the impact and history of wind farms. The meeting centered on the Salmon Falls project, which would take up large swaths of southern Twin Falls County.
Toss in two projects north of the river and a quarter million acres would be dominated by the massive turbines. Opposition is growing. Several commissioners in neighboring counties are now officially on record as opposed. Ultimately, the decision rests with the Bureau of Land Management, however.
Turbines Planned in Gooding County
It was revealed at last night’s meeting that a project in Nevada was shelved due to an angry public reaction. The company behind the project recently proposed what's known as the Taurus wind farm in Gooding County. It’s a bit like playing whack-a-mole. Some simply took the idea across a state line.
None of the power from these massive farms would be used in Idaho. It would be moved along lines hundreds to 1200 miles away. Shipping electricity down the line a few miles is efficient. The longer the trip, the more juice is lost. Again, we aren’t a dumping ground.
Don't Buy the Promises
Local counties would initially see a benefit in property taxes from the farms, but Commissioner Johnson explained on my program Monday it won’t last. He believes the state will soon come in and seize the money through a change in the law.
Keep up the pressure!