The Twin Falls Church That Sponsors Drag Queen Shows

Did Jesus approve of drag queens?
I think it’s a fair question. Last week I told you about the Twin Falls pastor who believes you can’t follow Christ if you own a gun and/or use one even in self-defense. Judging by the social media responses, a lot of people believe the man and his liberal denomination need remedial training in faith.
I’m just not sure men dressed as women and gyrating on stage has much to do with salvation and following the Lord.
Over the weekend I received a link from a member of our listening audience. It features a story from the United Methodist Church of Oregon and Idaho. It appears the very same pastor sponsored a drag queen show at a local nightclub. You can learn more by clicking here.
Now, I’m not in a position as a layman to criticize efforts to spread the Gospel to all corners of the world and to every man and woman. I’m just not sure men dressed as women and gyrating on stage has much to do with salvation and following the Lord.
The pastor is quoted in the story and explains he believes the nightclub was a better venue for the event than his church. Possibly because some generational members of the UMC aren’t quite as liberal as their shepherds.
If you were ministering to drunks would you throw a kegger?
The website explains the Methodists need to be inclusive and loving. Which, I guess, implies if you don’t approve of men in costumes outside of Halloween you’re mean and going to hell.
The UMC has existed as a denomination only since 1972 and is splitting later this year. The administration of the church is mostly Caucasian American and liberal. Membership is mostly foreign, conservative and people-of-color. This is the leftist version of White Man’s Burden. The American liberals are paying the black Africans to go away. That way, nobody will spoil the parties with the painted ladies. Or the men painted as ladies. Or then men painted who think they’re ladies…
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