Time for a Ban on Muslim Immigration? (Opinion)
This morning, I made an analogy for all the bleeding heart leftists tuning in (of course, they listen).
It’s because there are some people coming through your door with less than honorable intentions
These people tell us we need to eliminate our border and import Third World problems. Following another Islamic terrorist attack in New York City, the President has called for stepping up vetting of refugees and immigrants. Some are also saying it’s time to ban all Muslim immigration to the United States.
This infuriates virtue signaling leftists who insist, “We’re better than that!”
My analogy is along these lines:
I feel sorry for the homeless. Many are just plain down on their luck. Winter is coming. Why not leave your front door open at night? Then, the homeless can sleep on the couch and floor and stay dry. Don’t be surprised when you wake in the morning and find the silver, TV and jewelry are missing. Oh, and your daughter was assaulted during the night. It’s because there are some people coming through your door with less than honorable intentions. You would’ve been better off selling the silver and giving the proceeds to a shelter across town.
The United States may have fulfilled its Muslim quota!