The annual Twin Falls Back The Blue Event returns for another year at the Twin Falls City Park. The goal is to show support for the law enforcement officers that support our community each and every day. 

Back The Blue Twin Falls

The event will have representatives from law enforcement all over the Magic Valley and even further into Idaho. Kimberly, Twin Falls, and more officers have decided to be part of this community event. It will take place Friday, July 8th at 6 pm in Twin Falls City Park. Everyone is encouraged and welcome.

What Else Will Be At Back The Blue

Not only can you get to know some of the local men and women that put their lives on the line for us every single day, but there is a free concert and some food options as well. The Heath Clark Band has donated their time to perform for everyone that shows up. Food trucks will also be there for families to enjoy some dinner.

The Goal Of Back The Blue

The goal of this event is really, to humanize law enforcement officers, and show them that people still support them. There are some really awful things happening to officers around the country. It is a great way for officers to get to know their community as well. We are all just people trying to live our lives and go home to our family that night.

So again, come on down to the Twin Falls City Park on July 8th starting at 6 pm. Bring a chair, some love, and a good attitude. Let's have some fun with out law enforcement.

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