When Does 2015/2016 School Start in Twin Falls?
Last year, some of you commented that you weren't happy with the start day being moved up to the 25th. This year, school starts a full five days earlier that that.
Some parents have stated that moving the start of school prior to the Twin Falls County Fair creates challenges for kids who raise animals for show or for those who simply find school starting at around the same time as the fair, inconvenient.
The first official day of school for Twin Falls students is August 20th, 2015, with registration for Twin Falls junior high and high school students beginning August 10th.
New teachers have orientation on August 12th, followed by teacher workdays on the 13th and 14th.
The first day of school falls on Thursday, August 20th, while the first full holiday for Twin Falls Schools will be Labor Day, Monday, September 7th. That gives kids an almost four day weekend.
If you need a comprehensive Twin Falls school calendar for the 2015/16 school year, you can get it here. You can also get information about individual school and grade registrations on the Twin Falls School District website or on their Facebook page.