You Want My Job? Come & Take It!!!
A caller told me this week he wanted more Idaho content on Top Story.
at 10:00 A.M. the limo is idling in the parking lot and I’m whisked away to a local gin joint where I spend the rest of my day watching sports and warming up to hot women
The show is half the length of most radio talk shows around the state and I’ve listened to most of my competitors in various time slots. I’ll wager there is more state content on my program than other shows you would hear driving the Interstate. I’ll also go on record saying Top Story is possibly the best mix of local, state and national talk you can hear in Idaho. It’s called Top Story for a very good reason. The top story can be Donald Trump one day and flooding along the valley the next morning.
As most of you know, I only work ten hours a week. I arrive at the office at 8:00 A.M., an assistant has my coffee ready and matching my personal preferences. My researchers have been up since 3:00 A.M. and clipping citations and editing sound from various newsmakers. As soon as the news starts at 10:00 A.M. the limo is idling in the parking lot and I’m whisked away to a local gin joint where I spend the rest of my day watching sports and warming up to hot women.
The caller/complainer got me thinking. Who would like to do my job for one-half-hour some morning? You would get the taste of the high-life and not only women but local and state politicians would offer you weekends at their estates in Sandpoint, McCall and Coeur d’Alene. I’ll make it simple. I’ll operate the sound board and answer the telephone. You just have to plop on a chair and share your wisdom and opinions. As sarcastic as I may sound there may actually be a lot of people who could pull this off. The gift of gab isn’t given only to radio talk show hosts.
Please feel free to email me at bill.colley@townsquaremedia.com. Tell me why you think you’re the next big talk radio star and we’ll select a candidate at random and some morning this spring you can dominate the airwaves. If only briefly.
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