10 Simple Things About This Radio Host
- I like Spam.
- I’d rather be at home watching a ball game.
- October is my favorite month.
- I wrestle with faith.
- I can watch football for 12 consecutive hours.
- If I could have dinner with any historic figure it would be Winston Churchill.
- Hockey or football? I can’t pick one over the other.
- I was a liberal at college. I started reading the Wall Street Journal at my first real job after graduation. Lights on!
- I like women who don’t try to change me. I’m single.
- Pizza is my favorite food.
The widow of John Unitas once told me he wouldn’t sit next to her at football games.
These are just some basics. I could list burgers and fries close behind pizza and I prefer diners to fancy restaurants. On weekend mornings I can drink an entire pot of coffee. So, I guess these are the almost made the top 10 additions.
Oh, and ball games. The widow of John Unitas once told me he wouldn’t sit next to her at football games. His seat was empty. He was on the sidelines. He felt women ruined the experience (he said they talked about things unrelated to the game). I had a girlfriend who would actually watch a baseball game and rarely speak. I really, really liked the woman.