A Plea for Governor Brad Little
I like Brad Little. He has a good sense of humor and can turn a phrase. I also believe he acted on the advice of a great many learned people when he asked Idahoans to stay home for 21 days. The exception being a list of needed occupations. Funny, when I’m on that list! But I also believe many of the medical “experts” don’t have much of a background in economics.
Friday afternoon I did an informal online poll about the Governor’s decision. Do you agree or disagree? It appears the responses are roughly an even split (more coming in through the weekend). Who knows, it’s possible the people who object are suddenly the ones unemployed. It’s easy to approve when I still have a job. The thing is, I don’t believe we’ve done more than scratch the surface on the damage this will cause the economy.
185 Americans will die today from drug overdoses. Most of those from opioids. The plague has been growing for two decades. I can’t say I’ve seen anywhere near the effort to save those lives.
Liking Brad Little doesn’t mean I endorse every decision the Governor makes. He’s good on gun rights if you’re a proponent of the Second Amendment. If you’re a conservative Christian or simply a social conservative, you likely are going to have some moments when Mr. Little causes you frustration. It makes us no different than the liberals who claim he “needs to represent all the people”.
When was the last time there was a consensus among all the people on any issue?
I vote Republican because the brand is a better match than most alternatives. Additionally, I know I’m not always going to be pleased with the results. It’s a mixed bag. The only person I agree with on 100 percent of issues is the guy I see mornings in the bathroom mirror.
I will offer a thought on Idaho Republicans. The largest voting bloc in the state doesn’t trust mainstream media and, yet. Somehow Republican office holders appear to seek the approval of the same media. I don’t quite understand, although. The Governor’s decision puts to rest the theory the GOP is a tool of the donor class. The big donors are losing their shirts as the country circles the drain.
Oh, and some Facebook connections and members of our talk radio audiences appear shocked the hosts have strong opinions. One demanded to know what I meant by “servility”. When a guy is more concerned about losing his unpaid position as a precinct captain while his neighbors all lose their homes, then we’ve got a lot of servile Republicans. The ones who’ll never criticize a Governor, Senator or President because of party registration.
We choose these people. They aren’t in office by Divine Right. On average, office holders aren’t smarter than the general public. They’re studious and hardworking, which means they’re also much like everyone else. I’m not a doctor and I understand the medical communities concern. It’s a good thing politicians also listen to the medical professionals. I just hope the people we elected are casting a wide net when it comes to expertise.
By the way, 185 Americans will die today from drug overdoses. Most of those from opioids. The plague has been growing for two decades. I can’t say I’ve seen anywhere near the effort to save those lives. Research shows more people will turn to drugs as an escape the longer they’re unemployed. And the impact on health often lasts for years after they return to work.