Boise Considered Among Best Capital Cities for Living
Let me say I think Boise is a nice looking place. Some state capitals I’ve visited are dismal spots. In New York, the Governor’s mansion is heavily fenced. There are drug dealers working beyond the stone walls and neighboring buildings are covered in graffiti. Many of the state’s Governors have spent most of their time instead in Manhattan. The mansion is for formal use.
In California, some Governors have found Sacramento revolting and commuted instead from Southern portion of the state (the mansion is an old Victorian home).
People doing these rankings need to get out more often.
Idaho doesn’t have a mansion for the Governor, although. Recent Governors and several candidates for Governor have lived within commuting distance of downtown Boise.
WalletHub ranks Boise as the 11th best state capital if you plan on living in a capital city (and you’ll need deep pockets!) Boise drops to 15th if ranked simply on affordability.
Austin, Texas is a favorite among liberals across the country. It has a big music scene, a massive university and doesn’t resemble much of the surrounding countryside. WalletHub explains Austin is number one. Salt Lake City is listed number eight. It, however, ranks in the latter half for affordability.
Bismarck, North Dakota is the most affordable state capital, which shouldn’t be a surprise. With the Siberian weather, who in their right mind would live there?
Helena, Montana clocked in at 21st. I vacation there about once a year and I’m surprised it’s not higher. The quality of life clocks in at 37th. The place has great restaurants and is near the famous Gates of the Mountains. People doing these rankings need to get out more often.