Even Gay Idaho Politicians Cling To Stereotypes
I don’t know John McCrostie but a friend says nice things about him. People believe because I’m a conservative I spend my free time burning hairdressers. My buddy is gay. Actually, I’ve got several friends on that list. Two from high school (one has been among my closest friends since third grade).
A few years ago my friend, who knows McCrostie, attempted to broker a meeting where we would all meet at a restaurant for dinner. McCrostie refused. I guess he has his own stereotypes about straight Christian conservatives. We push gay people against walls and staple pink stars to their clothing, don’t you know? Then we praise God and drive out the demons through the power of the Holy Spirit. Then the restaurant is kosher.
We praise God and drive out the demons through the power of the Holy Spirit. Then the restaurant is kosher.
If I’ve got any opposition to McCrostie, an Idaho Legislator, it’s a purely partisan divide. He’s a liberal, although. Over the course of the past few legislative sessions, sometimes some really good ideas come from Democrats. Like the child marriage bill rejected last year. I acknowledge, if you’re a member of the minority party you don’t always get much legislative traction.
McCrostie, by the way, is being profiled by the Advocate. You can read the story at this link.