Glenn Beck Briefs Idaho Legislators
Define conspiracy theories? Glenn Beck spoke to a majority of Idaho state legislators on Tuesday. A reporter from the Idaho Press was one of the few people from mainstream media who believed the event was worthy of a story. She described Beck as a conspiracy theorist. Keep in mind, mainstream media promoted stories about Donald Trump being an agent of the Kremlin. Is that tale a conspiracy theory?
Guessing a Reporter's Bias
The late Andy Rooney once said he could guess the political leanings of most reporters by reading their copy. That was during a time when reporters claimed they strived to sound objective. I suppose some still make the same case but I’ve seen very little objectivity over the last 20 years. A reporter once told me he was a moderate. “I can spot a liberal at 1,000 feet,” was my reply. He dropped the lie and then defended his liberal bias.
A Handful Will Give You a Fair Shake
There are a handful of straight shooters. A few years ago a reporter from the Washington Post came to Idaho and he did an interview with me about a topic I no longer recall. I do remember the following day he had a story published that was incredibly fair. Funny, before he left town I was walking the canyon trail and rounded a corner and he was doing the same. We had a 15-minute conversation about the view and didn’t spend one word on news. How come the world no longer acts that way?
Beck spoke to our legislative contingent about a growing movement to apply social credit scores to American businesses. He asked to give the briefing. The man has sourced his evidence. As many of you know, he’s a part-time Idaho resident.