Magic Valley Law Enforcement Offer Church Safety Training
TWIN FALLS, Idaho (KLIX) After the deadly shooting at a Texas church, several Magic Valley law enforcement agencies are offering training to pastors to keep places of worship safe. The Twin Falls Police Department and the Twin Falls County Sheriff's Office says they have gotten many calls from area churches on how they can protect their worshipers. The police department announced plans to offer a safety forum on Wednesday, Nov. 15, from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. to address plans and strategies for emergencies at a church. The Twin Falls County Sheriff's Office has also offered support to area church leaders on what to do to make places of worship safer. The sheriff's office has encouraged church leaders to contact their Crime Prevention Specialists for a safety consultation. “Places of worship have a unique challenge when it comes to security and safety. It is important for us to make sure that every church, temple, synagogue or mosque within our community, are safe and protected. ”Chief Craig Kingsbury said in a prepared statement. Pastors who which to attend the safety forum can RSVP and contact Officer J.P. O’Donnell at jodonnell@tfid.org or call our Community Outreach Unit at (208) 735-3445. To contact the Twin Falls County Sheriff's Crime Prevention Specialists call 208-736-4110 or go to their Facebook page.
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