Meet ‘Two Fat Cops'; Shoshone Officers Host Public Arms Classes
For those that have been wanting to learn how to properly handle firearms, or wanting to expand weapons knowledge in a safe environment, instructed by well-trained and educated, experienced law enforcement officers, then you might want to contact a couple of dudes right here in southern Idaho.
A coworker of mine and I were discussing guns the other day, and he asked me if I've heard of "Two Fat Cops." I hadn't, so he sent me a social media link. When I first saw the photos of officers Austin Smith and Alex Mix I thought, I've seen much fatter cops.
As it turns out, they aren't what I would call fat at all, but they do operate weapons handling and training classes just 25 miles north of Twin Falls. As far as experience goes, I'm not sure there are two better qualified individuals, as each have more than 12 years training experience, along with backgrounds in military, law enforcement and private security.
I have roughly 15 years of experience with guns, but not anything I'd classify as training. I own three firearms, and the only time I get to use them is usually when we take a drive to the South Hills, or I visit my brother-in-laws' place for some target shooting. I'd say I'm a decent shot, but that might be a slight exaggeration.
Mix and Smith conduct firearms handling and concealed carry classes for men and women. If you have any questions, or would like information about taking a class, the best way is to message them on their Facebook page.
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