Move Over Cape Cod; 100 Yr Old Idaho Tower Listed As A Lighthouse
When most people think of lighthouses, the Eastern Seaboard probably comes to mind. Lighthouses are not generally synonymous with landlocked states, but Idaho might be an exception according to a website that features some of the most unique light casting structures in the United States.
I have always had a soft spot in my heart for lighthouses. I can't for the life of me figure out why, considering I have no sea legs. The last time I spent the day miles off a coast in a fishing boat, I hurled over the side of the deck multiple times.
Aside from the architectural aspect of these structures, the history of lighthouses is what really fascinates me. I've been trying to plan a lighthouse viewing trip throughout the West Coast for quite some time now. The last one I toured was the Old Point Loma Lighthouse in San Diego. Another of my favorite West Coast places to visit is the Point Reyes Lighthouse, where one would be hard-pressed to find a more beautiful coastal view anywhere; just hold onto your hat, as winds have been known to exceed 130 miles per hour.
While the surroundings of the city of Dubois, Idaho, may not offer as stunning visuals as Point Reyes, the small community in eastern Idaho does have a 100-year-old structure that is actually listed as a lighthouse on Lighthouse Digest. The Dubois Airways Beacon, as it is known, was used by pilots of not ships, but rather planes, in the early to middle part of the twentieth century.
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