Opinion: Thanks Liberals, You Just Made President Trump Stronger
A TV talking head says you can impeach a President because you don’t like his tie. The talking head is right. The word impeach means to accuse. An impeachment vote can take place in the House of Representatives (it did with Bill Clinton) and then it can be followed by a trial in the Senate (which didn’t happen with Clinton).
Popular Presidents don’t get impeached. An unpopular President is more easily impeached over an ugly tie or any other accusation. Richard Nixon had no friends even within his own party and the overwhelming majority of Americans polled didn’t trust him. He quit to avoid removal from office.
He’ll use the impeachment cry to his advantage and tell voters the Democrats and media are obstructing his ability to govern and improve the country.
The Trump story will be fanned for a few more days by mainstream media and fellow travelers in the Democrat Party.
Then we’ll move on to another dumpster fire. It’s because Republicans who control the Senate would, in many cases, term limit themselves if they attempt to term limit a President in their own party.
Here’s a prediction. Polling of Republican voters will show continued if not growing support for Donald John Trump and a view he’s a martyr. He’s incredibly popular with the party base. He’ll use the impeachment cry to his advantage and tell voters the Democrats and media are obstructing his ability to govern and improve the country. If a recession happens, he’ll point to the opposition and explain when he needed their help in keeping the economy afloat, they were drilling holes in the hull.
News media is the boy who cried wolf. One week after the latest Justice Kavanaugh debacle, they’ve again fired their arrows and missed.
Did the President break the law? Technically, maybe he did. Did he intend to break the law? Not sure. Have you ever gone over the speed limit while driving? It’s still speeding even if you didn’t realize you were doing 60 in a 50 mile per hour zone. On the other hand, it isn’t homicide.
President Trump didn’t give the nuclear codes to Ukraine or anyone else. That would be justification for removal from office. When it comes to inquiring about the Biden Crime Syndicate, no, sorry. Not happening.