Sorry Media: When it Comes to the Flag We’re With Trump (Opinion)
Despite what mainstream media claims all the polling data favors President Trump versus the NFL.
Maybe the public finally needs to demand Congress tax the league and remove its anti-trust exemption.
The sports reporting wretches believe they somehow have a feel for Middle-America or need to offer instruction on how we should behave. This was a topic in the second hour of Top Story today. You can listen at YouTube below. I also offered some history being overlooked. After a similar attempt to disrespect the flag during an NBA game 20-years-ago players were then ordered to stand for attention. It’s your employer’s stage first and you’re just a replaceable performer!
Meanwhile, the NFL continues raking taxpayers over the coals and charging usury rates for concessions. Maybe the public finally needs to demand Congress tax the league and remove its anti-trust exemption. Roger Goodell and his bosses will fold like a bad poker hand.