I guess mainstream media is ready to declare victory over Donald Trump. A week after saying he regretted hurting the feelings of some people his campaign team is now singing a slightly different tune on illegal immigration. The babbling media talking heads are convinced were all hanging on every word they utter...
Donald Trump’s acceptance speech dominated our show today. Reaction from our Top Story audience was quite strong. I’ve taken each half-hour block and created 4 sequential videos for those who missed the program. Do you want to know what your neighbors are thinking...
I’m an inveterate sinner. I struggle to condemn some of the behaviors of my neighbors. Looking back against 25 years of history I can tell you there wouldn’t be legalized same-sex marriage in America if it hadn’t been for some sadists looking to humiliate a pair of men in Texas...
I don’t think it’s racist to state the northern hemisphere is being overrun by immigrants. Both legal and illegal. I’ve been reading books and columns by former Presidential candidate Pat Buchanan for many years and he has been predicting the demographic shift...
Elitist news media doesn’t much like Donald Trump but dislike isn’t the same as Trump being right-or-wrong. When the real estate baron made his announcement he intended to seek the Republican nomination for President he pledged to build a wall along the southern border and now he’s being accused of labeling Mexicans as a race of rapists...