Idaho’s Two Liberals Demand Amnesty for Illegal Aliens (Opinion)
Picture by Bill Colley.
Idaho’s two liberals are marching in the streets! They appeared on a street corner in Twin Falls. I was stopped at a traffic signal and didn’t hear any horns honking in support.
I believe the protest came to a sudden stop when a passing motorist tossed a hacky sack and box of granola into the street.
I did see what possibly was a third person nearby but it turns out that guy was making a deposit at the bank.
I’m sure there were some fellow travelers leaving CSI and then turning left on Blue Lakes Boulevard. The young students would be driving home afternoons for chores across the Perrine Bridge in the liberal bastion known as Jerome County.
The two demonstrators want an immediate release of 12-thousand illegal immigrant children being housed in Texas. The kids are receiving hot food, warm beds and medical care beyond what many of our own children receive. This really, really angers liberals!
I believe the protest came to a sudden stop when a passing motorist tossed a hacky sack and box of granola into the street.
An actual hacky sack tournament is proposed by the same liberals at the city’s visitor center by the Snake River Canyon. Participants will be allowed to charge their electric cars while screaming, “Hey, hey, ho, ho (fill in the blank) has got to go!”