
Juul To End Advertising in US
Juul To End Advertising in US
Juul To End Advertising in US
Local stores like Walmart have already stated they're no longer selling flavored e-cigarettes, but now you won't be seeing them advertised while you're watching the news KTVB or the Bachelor anymore either.
Coming Soon:  A Smoke Free Idaho (Opinion)
Coming Soon: A Smoke Free Idaho (Opinion)
Coming Soon: A Smoke Free Idaho (Opinion)
This morning, I came across this story from Associated Press and assume it’s a movement gaining traction: St. Anthony, Idaho (AP) -- City officials in St. Anthony have decided to ban smoking and vaping at all public parks. The Rexburg Standard Journal reports that the St. Anthony City Council approved the proposal Thursday to take effect immediately.
Should The Smoking Age Change?
Should The Smoking Age Change?
Should The Smoking Age Change?
Currently in Idaho you can buy cigarettes at 18 years of age. That could change. New York is the first state to officially change the legal age of buying tobacco products. Recently the New York Times announced the legal age for buying tobacco, including cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, cigars and cigarillos will rise to 21, from 18, under a bill adopted by the City Council and which Mayor Michae
Which Steak is Better – Grilled or Smoked?
Which Steak is Better – Grilled or Smoked?
Which Steak is Better – Grilled or Smoked?
There's definitely going to be some great steak cooking this weekend. Do you think it's best to grill your steak or smoke it?  I suppose it's a matter of preference but I'd like to know which you like best. I've never quite been able to get that criss-cross sear with my smoker...

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