Texas Open Carry Advocates Carry Arms to Protest a Moms Anti Gun Meeting
A group of open carry gun advocates in Texas protested a group of moms against gun violence in a restaurant parking lot. As you can see by the photo, the open carry advocates were packing their firearms in protest, well within their second amendment rights.
What followed was a polarized debate as to whether or not the Open Carry advocates used bully tactics by showing up, arms in hand.
And the published pictures by each organization tell seem to paint a very different picture.
Note the picture posted by Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America faces the back side of the Open Carry advocates, leaving the viewer to interpret the level of threat posed by the front side.
You flip it around and see the photo posted by Open Carry Texas and you see a much less threatening version.
Open Carry Texas sees it one way. Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America has a different take.
I can see how looking out of a restaurant window and seeing a group of armed people might make me unsettled. That said, this report about Open Carry Texas doesn't seem to portray an air of threat or fear. The woman in this story is calm, peaceful and very rational in her explanation of what her group stands for.
Do you think Open Carry Texas used bully tactics by carrying arms in protest or is the anti-gun group putting spin on a peaceful demonstration? Discuss.
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