The Alfie Evans Story Displays the Evil of Modern Elites
In a college drama class we dissected a play called the Cherry Orchard. On the surface it’s about a Russian family of the leisure class struggling to maintain a semblance of unity and yet unsure how to react to sweeping changes in the modern world. The play is a metaphor for the last days of the Czarist regime.
Often I equate the lessons of the play with our times a century later.
The toddler was starved, on purpose, by the godless British elites
The economic meltdown of 2008 exposed the frauds who considered themselves the “Masters of the Universe”. A decade later and the elites still can’t understand the rise of the Tea Party, Brexit, and Donald Trump, Eric Cantor or the voter revolt in Hungary.
Into this swirling cauldron steps a philosopher priest named Fr. Dwight Longenecker. As you can read here he begins by discussing the sad case of a little boy named Alfie Evans. The toddler was starved, on purpose, by the godless British elites.
Longenecker suggests revolution in in the air and the people who believe they run the world may be unware the ground beneath their feet has crumbled. We live in interesting but also dangerous times.