And while we’re at it, why not for all venereal disease?  What a benefit it would be at singles clubs.  In fact, we could put your whole medical history of infections, surgeries and vaccines on a chip just beneath a tattoo on your forehead.  Am I being facetious?  Well, ask yourself a question.  Had we enacted mandates for the infected when the AIDS epidemic was raging, how would liberals and the American Civil Liberties Union have reacted?  Oh, and the same for their news media allies. 

he mentions his county had a good vaccine response and still got slammed by the delta variant

This morning I came across a sober opinion on vaccine mandates.  From a commissioner in rural Tillamook County, Oregon.  He had a guest commentary in the Washington Post.  He recommends vaccines but warns federal and state efforts fail to recognize the differences between rural and urban settings.  I also noticed he mentions his county had a good vaccine response and still got slammed by the delta variant.  He warns some of the orders coming from his Governor will wipe out volunteer fire companies.

On another COVID front, a writer at the Atlantic is looking at how we count cases and how many people infected never show many signs of illness.  We need a better idea on overall numbers before making decisions about our neighbors and ultimately over who gets to judge right and wrong.

Many writers the last few days have commented President Biden doesn’t have the constitutional authority to make such sweeping decisions about businesses.  As one points out, just because it may be what you want, it doesn’t validate rule by fiat.  The day will come when a President you don’t like turns the tables on you.


Social Distancing Zodiac


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