A Fine News Media Whine (Opinion)
News media is a lot like the dog chasing its tail.
Over at the newspaper end of things, the writers believe they’re the smartest people in the country.
Over the weekend and into early this week, you’ll be hearing wailing about how mean old Mr. Trump is hazing reporters and editors. Not that the public in any way cares how news media is treated! The members of the Fourth Estate will whine and warn we’ll lose our form of government if we lose them. This after eight years where media performed something akin to sexual favors for President Obama.
One writer suggests on the network television side of the equation, the wailers aren’t very bright in the first place. Over at the newspaper end of things, the writers believe they’re the smartest people in the country. This is always a surprise for rocket scientists.
Meanwhile, as media obsessed over the liberal gang sponsoring a “women’s march” and the tongue lashing from Trump’s press office the leader of the free world spent his weekend making major policy changes. Crazy like a fox!