Commentary: Terror Warnings & Tar Sands
When I was a teenager there was a boy from the neighborhhod who went hungry. Just for a few weeks. His parents had left town and before they went away they gave their youngest son a big stack of cash and told him it would be his grocery money for the next 20 days. Chris must have been 15 at the time and they were putting a great deal of trust in him. A few days later I saw him at the basketball court and he looked worn out and tired. He explained he hadn’t been eating. I was dumbfounded and had another question. Why? “I bought a big bag of dope!” he replied. For the next several days his friends managed to feed him by telling parents he was lonely as his folks were away. He got dinner invitations from several sympathetic families. No one ever told their parents Chris had a heightened appetite (he was a slight fellow but had suddenly become a consumption machine).
I’ve no idea whatever became of Chris. He certainly was a most pleasant fellow around town but clearly could make some poor choices. Had he lacked for friends he would’ve been skin and bones when his parents returned.
Today I was thinking about how bad planning in life strikes all of us if not often usually with serious consequences. Not just as individuals but nationally as well. The other day President Obama went to the Coast Guard Academy to offer a commencement address. Instead of soaring rhetoric about how the military is about service above the self he instead warned global warming was the cause of all recent and future world conflicts. Now, climate change has often been the cause of great human disruptions. People have always been on the move and sometimes there are territorial disputes. An essay some years ago in Harper’s Magazine described man as the ultimate weed with an ability to adapt to any climate across the planet. People live in deserts, rain forests, the arctic, flood plains, mountain tops and crowded cities. There are no guarantees about climate and weather destruction and at any given moment somewhere around the planet the earth is shaking and, yet. Barack Hussein Obama, who also smoked a lot of dope when a teenager, insists we must dismantle the great industrial economies of the world in order to placate Islamic hoodlums. First, he and his then Secretary of State destabilized the governments of many of the now terror wracked nations. Two, with his approach we’ll all be equal and living in caves as we forage for food. Aside from the billions who’ll starve.
I posted the latest terror warning to social media today. You can see it here. Within minutes a friend replied and sarcastically suggested it was good the President was cooling the globe. The terror alert could be the usual propaganda to convince the public we need to have a resumption of domestic spying but at this point I’m sure the hoodlums are planning large attacks against my country. They’ve been encouraged by the sad-sack in the White House.
Before leaving the office today I read an alarmist story in the British newspaper the Guardian. It’s staffed by Henny Penny and company and daily warns us the earth will be fried to a cinder because of our gluttonous energy consumption. As you can read here the end is apparently near among the indigenous in the Alberta tar sands. For you lefties Alberta is a large province in Canada. The Guardian was founded as a Marxist and anti-development rag. The writer points to the greed among the natives as destroying a culture and landscape. The thing is, the pictures looked nice around the village and the liberals even admit the people didn’t have a pot to pee in before the oil boom. Additionally the Canadian government is backing away from all the global warming fearmongering. Having lived well over 4 decades of my life along the Canadian border I’ll remind you it’s a very liberal country. The Bible is considered hate speech, Pierre Trudeau was once Prime Minister and even state controlled media would shame Obama’s media minions in the states. If the Canadians aren’t screaming the end is near then why are so many of our leaders? Just check their financials. Solar panels and giant pinwheels are big business when it comes to greasing the Democrat Party campaign machinery.
I hope God blesses the new Coast Guard graduates but they should’ve stood up and walked out. Guarding our shores is serious business and a speech designed for Clown College surely tells us we’re governed by Bozo.